Back in 2023, I was managing a database-backed PowerDNS authoritative nameserver cluster to handle my domains and a few others for some organizations I collaborate with. Everything was running smoothly —no major performance issues, stability was very good— but as time passed, I noticed a few limitations that started to bug me:

No decent UI

I was managing zones and records via SSH and launching pdnsutil, which was impossible when I didn’t have my laptop with me.

No multi-user support

What if I needed to bring in someone else to manage a specific zone? Giving out SSH access is risky, and with pdnsutil they could change records in any zone, or even delete all the zones.

One API key for the entire instance

Another variation of the no multi-user limitation, with a single API key you just need one leak to lose control of your zones.

I tried out the existing PowerDNS web front-ends, but none hit the mark. Some were outdated, others bypassed the API and went straight to the database, and a few even required custom code for ACME hooks to generate certificates. And the ones that were left? Well, let’s just say they weren’t winning any beauty contests.

So, I found myself with two clear problems:

I needed an API proxy and an authentication layer for PowerDNS, allowing multiple users to manage their zones without sharing API keys—and more importantly, keeping each user’s data secure.

I needed a web front-end to the PowerDNS API.

While I was deep into development, I noticed something else: DNS hosting services out there were surprisingly inflexible. Most providers force you to use only their nameservers when hosting your zone, which seems to go against the very strength of DNS—redundancy. DNS can and should exist in multiple locations, with protocols like AXFR making it easy to share. Yet, few providers allow this without expensive plans or “enterprise” (a.k.a. “call me”) prices.

That got me thinking—Why not create a DNS hosting service that supports both primary and secondary zones, and uses an industry-standard API for full flexibility? And why not build it to be as resilient as possible against network outages or potential blocks from registrars?

That’s why I built PTRDNS.

Why choose PTRDNS over all other DNS hosting companies?

With so many free DNS hosting services out there, why pick PTRDNS? Here’s why:

  • Flexibility: PTRDNS supports three zone types:
    • Primary zones that can transfer data to secondaries.
    • Secondary zones, where PTRDNS pulls data from another provider.
    • Native zones, fully managed by PTRDNS.
  • Industry-standard Protocols: PTRDNS uses the standard AXFR protocol for zone transfers, making it compatible with any host supporting inbound or outbound transfers. It also supports the PowerDNS API, so you can keep your zones in a Git repository and use tools like Terraform or OctoDNS to update records.
  • TLS Certificates: You can generate TLS certificates using any tool like Certbot or acme.sh, simply by setting your API key.
  • Resilience: PTRDNS deploys nameservers across at least three different networks in geographically diverse regions. This isn’t just for redundancy—it’s to ensure your DNS remains operational even during natural disasters or connectivity issues in a specific region.
  • Multi-domain Nameservers: PTRDNS nameservers are accessible via three different domains—ptrdns.net, ptrdns.org, and ptrdns.eu. Each is registered with a different registrar and resides in a different TLD, protecting against incidents like the July 2024 debacle when a DNS provider lost service due to a registrar dispute over a false complaint.
  • Security: PTRDNS is built with security as a priority, using the industry-standard Keycloak authentication platform to store logins and passwords, with optional two-factor authentication (TOTP-based 2FA).
  • Powerful Web Interface: In addition to API management, PTRDNS offers a robust web editor for creating and updating zones, records, and TSIG keys.
  • Generous Query Allowances: Each account comes with a large monthly query allowance, ranging from 5 million queries per month (qpm) to 300 million qpm. While there’s no hard limit on the number of records per zone, zones with over 1,000 records are recommended to be configured as native for optimal performance.

PTRDNS isn’t just another DNS hosting service—it’s built to give you full control, flexibility, and resilience that other providers simply can’t match. Whether you need seamless integration with industry-standard tools, robust support for primary and secondary zones, or a powerful web interface for easy management, PTRDNS has you covered.

Ready to take control of your DNS with a service that prioritizes reliability and security? Subscribe to PTRDNS today and experience the difference. With flexible plans, comprehensive support, and unmatched performance, PTRDNS is the smart choice for anyone serious about managing their domains.